Tips to make best drip coffee

Each bag contains 12g grinds coffee
Tear filter at top along perforation
Grab the handles of the hand drip filter
Place inside your coffee mug.
Hug the sides of the mug

Boil water:

If you have a thermometer, you want the water to
be around 205 degrees. If you don’t.
Bring your water to a rolling boil and take if off of the heat.
Wait for 10-15 seconds. This is to bring the water temperature down to 205 or so.

Start a timer. Begin pouring water slowly over the coffee,
starting at the outer rim and moving in a steady spiral toward the center of the grounds.
Stop pouring when the scale reaches 60 grams. Make sure all the grounds are saturated,
even if you need to add a little water. The pour should take about 15 seconds.
Give the coffee an additional 20-25 seconds to Drip before moving on to the second pour.

When the water and coffee from the third pour drop to the bottom of the filter,
complete your fourth and final pour. Add 100 grams, bringing the total up to 350 grams of water.
This pour should take 20 seconds.

Pick up hand filter and place it in the kettle or pouring pitcher.

Now your Drip Coffee is ready. Enjoy!